Finpac Sleeve – Arabic Edition

Finpac Sleeve – Arabic Edition

A matter of destiny …

Pursuing our own destiny to get going again and discover the needs and new stimuli of our own self. Ilaria Zilio, owner of Finpac Italia – a business reality that boats 400 machines running very often 24 hours a day in 40 Countries all over the world, since this company numbers among its customers big national and international groups of various sectors, such as food, beverages, dairy, and home cleaning.

“Finpac Italia has pioneered in Europe in sleeving machines production, where “sleeve” means “label”, and is second only to a big Japanese group. To this challenge Ilaria has added another player: Finpac Sleeve, a company established to support Finpac Italia in three crucial phases: Design, trade and post-sales. The goal is simplifying and improving business processes and hitting all the targets of the new industrial plan over a four-year period, to boost the company’s turnover up to 6 million euro. In 2022, the company is going to strengthen its technological investments in research and development in terms of Industry 4.0 and machine revamping.

“Investments of 220,000 euro have been distributed in years 2022-2025, in addition to 240,000 euro paid by Finpac Sleeve for trade development and strengthening”, says the entrepreneur who also stressed out another important goal: Defining and valorizing an intangible and seemingly immaterial good, which is however a remarkable part of Finpac Italia’s heritage: its know-how. “It can’t be questioned that it has enabled the company to stand out in global marketplace and to reach top-level customers with its products and machines. That is why today we cannot but enrich it more and more by innovating and investing.”

The company has already followed some progammes and pursued goals; “We are working to re-launch our company by participating in international trade fairs. We took main stage in Milan, at Ipack-Ima, and shortly we will be at drinktec in Munich, and later on at Gulfood in Dubai, Simei in Milan, in India and in Mexico. In addition to this, we are also designing two new machines, one at low speed to meet the demand of Italian market, where lower speed and lower numbers are required. We are therefore focusing on the world of wine and beer, and designing a hot-air oven to support the steam one, as to immerge ourselves into a green, sustainable and energy saving perspective.” 

Although the macro-economic scenario is not favourable, since in 2022 we are witnessing raw material shortage, especially electrical, that has been giving some companies a really hard time, and among them there are also some Finpac suppliers, Ilaria Zilio has no doubt: “Following my attitude in which I strongly believe, I am trying to boost that network of relationships and cooperation that I deem fundamental. And it is not a chance that in and out of the company I always tell my employees “We are a team, only together we win”.

Download the PDF: Finpac_Bev_2022