Landucci – Asiatic Edition

Landucci – Asiatic Edition

The Landucci company, with almost a century of experience, perfectly knows the meaning of words such as innovation and reliability in today’s business world.

Landucci’s core business, which is pasta dies, is in the middle and at the center of pasta production. Thanks to a long-lasting and continuously updated collaboration with both production lines and pasta producers, this company offers a wide range of cutting edge solutions for all clients, without forgetting its origins, when inserts were completely made by hand, one at a time thus ensuring a top quality product.

In 1925, Sestilio Landucci, the founder, decided to start his own business, after having worked and developing his expertise in this field. Today, almost one hundred years later, the fourth generation of the Landucci family is still in the business.

Precision, repeatability and durability are the three main features that each product must have in order to leave Landucci factory. This quality has to be maintained over time. That is the reason why the company continuously invests in high-tech machinery and in training of its professionals.

Landucci products:

• Dies and inserts for any shape of any kind of pasta production: soft wheat, durum semolina, gluten-free, without forgetting snacks production, field that has been gaining more and more importance in the last years.

• Diewashing machine, with Landucci top-level Power-Jet, which allows to drastically reduce water and energy consumption, along with saving much time in die washing process. But also Landucci top-selling 2002 CL model and diewashers for snack production.

• Together with ever-efficient diewashers, Landucci has also been developing a completely innovative system for cleaning the sticks used in long pasta production, that requires more frequent cleaning and therefore can negatively affect the product quality. In order to match easy-to-use and efficient technology, Landucci created the stick-washer machine LVC-SJ, which uses steam technology in order to clean, dry and sanitize the sticks.

• Landucci automatic cutting machines, for short pasta shapes and angle-cut penne.

• Bow-tie machines for any kind of production capacity press, completed by a tailor-made layout for every specific need of the customer.

• These are just a few of the product range Landucci develops and creates day-by-day in its plant. Looking up to the future and always keeping on mind its origins, Landucci aims to increase its presence and improve its knowledge in this fantastic world that is pasta!