Marotta Evolution – Arabic Edition

Marotta Evolution – Arabic Edition

Marotta Evolution Group was founded thanks to the passion of Carmine Marotta and has a long experience in the design and production of industrial plants.

It operates in the field of machinery production and in the Research and Development of automated solutions for industry. It specialises in the creation and production of burrata machines: the only company in the world, to date, capable of creating and marketing automatic machines for the production of burrata, a typical Italian dairy product with a strong artisanal connotation.

With the aim to innovate an industry that relied solely on pneumatic volumetricians and experienced cheesemakers, who were increasingly difficult to find and hire and on the strength of its decades of experience in the industrial automation sector, Marotta Evolution Group was able to successfully design and manufacture an automatic burrata machine in 2019, achieving a result never before achieved by any other company in the world, thus giving entrepreneurs in the sector the opportunity to enjoy a major increase in the production capacity of their factory.

Making a machine that produces burrata is the solution that automates the production process, as well as significantly reducing the risk of contamination, as the product is not touched and handled by the operator and, as a result, the shelf-life of the finished product is increased, helping companies to guarantee a fresh product for longer, without sacrificing quality and the Made in ltaly tradition. 


Furthermore, the Marotta Evolution machine is capable of making the product while respecting the Italian character of the dairy product, ensuring that on every table in the world there is the same product, good and of quality, exactly as the consumer requires. A further peculiarity of Marotta Evolution machine is that it can make burratas of different sizes: from the very smallest 30 g, tiny gems of milk, up to 500 g burratas. Another important plus is that the same machine, with a simple click, can make the “figliata”, a burrata filled with mozzarella chunks.

Marotta Evolution is socially aware by supporting the less fortunate, which is why it chose to support the Core’ a core’ association, which distributes basic necessities to families in need, homeless people and children’s hospitals.